
What happened to skype personalized voicemail greeting
What happened to skype personalized voicemail greeting

what happened to skype personalized voicemail greeting

Skype users were disappointed, so, Zoom focused on the struggles of its user base and offered high-quality audio and video calls.In November 2016, Microsoft shifted its focus from Skype and launched Teams.The transition resulted in calls, messages, and notifications repeating on devices making Skype unreliable.To capitalize on integration of Windows Phone and mobile apps the company transitioned the app from P2P networks to cloud-powered servers.In 2011, Skype has 100 million active users and nearly 8 million paying customers.If you’ve got Cloud Voicemail which you should if you’re on Skype for Business, Skype for Business Online, or Microsoft Teams as your phone system, check it out and save yourself some time from changing your voicemail when you go on leave, or just have a meeting when you’re not around. I don’t have to remember to set it or change it, it just applies if I do the right thing in my Outlook calendar. If I’m not, then a caller will hear my standard greeting and can leave a message, instead of hassling co-workers. I can set a generic ‘I’m out of the office, please call X on this number’ which only plays when I’m actually out of the office.

what happened to skype personalized voicemail greeting

Although you can only type your greeting message, the text-to-speech works really well and sounds natural.

what happened to skype personalized voicemail greeting what happened to skype personalized voicemail greeting

There’s also another option Text-to-Speech Customized Greeting Option ( Customize your Text-to-speech greeting message) that lets you customise the generic Out of Office greeting to whatever you like. It can sync with your mailbox to know when you’re Out of Office via your current Outlook status (either with an autoreply, or just in a meeting with the status ‘Out of Office’), and when true, give a different message to the caller saying you’re out of the office. The Configure Out of Office greeting section ( Customize an Out of Office greeting message, and choose to play it to callers all the time, based on your Outlook auto-reply status, or calendar OOF status) was the one I liked the most. The Prompt Language section ( Changing this setting will change the greeting prompt language) will change the language and accent of the greeting – so if you’d like them to sound Australian, you can choose that. The default setting is ‘Play greeting, then allow the caller to record a message’. If you set this, you can then enter the number you want calls to go to if someone does press ‘0’ – such as Reception, or your mobile phone. The Call Answer Rules section ( Choose how you want your calls to be handled when they reach the voicemail service) lets you pick what happens when someone hears your voicemail, including the last option ‘Play greeting, then allow the caller to recording a message or transfer to the target user’.

What happened to skype personalized voicemail greeting